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22 Birthday Party Ideas For Children

  1. Backyard Olympics
  2. Rainbow Party
  3. Art Party
  4. Sleepover Party
  5. S’mores Party
  6. Home Disco
  7. Disco in Hall
  8. Football Party
  9. Swimming Party
  10. Trampoline Party
  11. Adventure Park
  12. Indoor Picnic
  13. Home Talent Show
  14. Camping Party
  15. Laserquest Party
  16. Party Entertainer at Home
  17. Bouncy Castle at Home
  18. Gaming Party at Home
  19. Paintballing Party
  20. Zoom Online Party
  21. Hawai Garden Party
  22. Gaming Van

1. Backyard Olympics

Kicking off the list with a nice and easy backyard olympics party. This kind of party requires a fairly decent amount of space to turn it into a party style event. We have called it backyard party but you could do it on any field type space such as a park without permission, and, most council owned fields. This kind of party will surely get the blood pumping and the adrelanice flowing for all children involved. To set up a backyard olympics party you may need to purchase some equipment, most stuff you will have laying around the house, you will also probably want a music player to play songs as the children take on the olympic challenges. You will also need a table with some snacks, water and maybe even some juices for the children who won’t drink the water.

Firstly, the purchases you will need to make are:

  • Plates
  • Bag of sand
  • Scale
  • Toilet Roll
  • Similar Clothing Items
  • Spoons
  • Hula Hoops x 5
  • Pack of Raw Eggs
  • Balloons
  • Bibs
  • Buckets
  • Nerf Guns

Once you have gathered all the items you would set out the following challenges, remember before the party begins to split the children up into equal teams and give them all bibs so everybody knows who is in each team. Then set the game out as listed below:

  • Pass The Sand – Get each team to lineup in a straight line, put a plate at one end of the line and a bucket of sand at the other end of the line. The aim of the game is to pass the sand down the line using only your hands, from one player to the next, to the next, to see which team can get as much sand on the plate before the time runs out. Set a timer of 2 minutes. If required, weigh the plates using the scale if it is hard to distinguish a winner.
  • Mummy Wrap – Ask for some volunteers, you need one mummy, daddy, aunty or grandparent per team. This one is simple, using the toilet roll see which team can wrap up the mummy the quickest. Set a timer so teams can’t take too long. Have a judge decide which mummy looks the best at the end.
  • Dress Up Relay – Make 2 piles of the same type clothing, this can be played as a knockout game to determine a winner if you have more than one team. Each player in each team has to dress up in all the clothes and then take them all off, each player in the team must do this until everyone in the team has put all the clothes on and taken them all off. The first team to have every player put on and take off all the clothes wins.
  • Egg and Spoon Race – Each team selects one captain to take part in the egg and spoon race. Played on sports days around the UK for years and years, players must balance the egg on their spoon and reach the finish line without it falling.
  • Hula Hoop Relay – For this race the teams will have to be even and each team will require a Hula Hoop. Create a course, a straight line to a goal (goal can be like a chair or something). When the race begins the first player from each team rolls the teams hoop along the entire course with their hand or a stick, they have to travel up to the goal, around and back to the team. Each player must repeat this. The team that completes it first wins. You can even add some obstacles to the course to make it more challenging.
  • Other Backyard Olympic Games – Besides the games listed above you can also mix in some classics such as backwards crab walk, blindfolded leapfrog, obstacle course, frisbee, foot golf, juggling, balloon blowing competition, balloon popping competition, kick up competition and nerf gun shooting targets. 

You can also purchase cheap, plastic medals from Tesco for only £1. Reward the children with an olympic medal and a party bag.

2. Rainbow Party

Next up on the list we have a Rainbow party, now this can be a party of any sort, just highly rainbow themed. Whether its an at-home tea party, garden party or for your party at an adventure park. A rainbow themed party is a great way to shed light and joy into the party and bring the colour. You can search through thousands of rainbow themed birthday party accessories on Amazon.

3. Art Party

An art party is a brilliant way of celebrating a childs birthday who loves their arts & crafts. With an art party all children can get really creative and express themselves, plus, if you keep some of the art created at the party you can make a unique scrap book of memories from the party itself. Art themed food, colourful buns with colourful icing, maybe even create your own food, ie pizza and cake decorating. Next you want to set up some arts & crafts themed games to play, games such as:

  • Blindfolded Artists – Get everyone in pairs, one person in each pair is to but the blindfold on and place them sat down with a pencil and paper infront of them. Next the game host would show a picture or an object to the person in each pair who is not blindfolded. The unblindfolded person then has to explain what the picture is in order for the blindfolded person to do the drawing of how it is described, set a timer and give the pairs 2 minutes per round. Swap each round the person wearing the blindfold.
  • Pass The Picture – For this, get all party goers to sit in a circle around a table. Hand each of them a piece of paper and some coloured pencils, have each player write their name on the paper and to draw a shape. Pass the papers to the right with everyone adding on to the next shape. When the papers get back to the original owners the game is up, you can now see the amazing creations you have made.
  • Paint Splatter War – If you are going to include this game, make sure the children bring spare clothes and some clothes that they will not mind getting covered in paint. Have all participants gather outside around a few colours of non-toxic paint. Have the players wear goggles so no paint goes into their eyes. Give all the players paintbrushes and allow them a few minutes to splatter the paint on to each others clothes.
  • Musical Murials – Set up several stations with large sheets of paper and colours, preferably one station per child. Have each child start doodling and designing a work of art at their station, play some background music also. When the music stops have each child rotate to the next art station and continue working where the last person left off. When each child has been to each of the stations the game is over. You will have a collection of work that everyone has worked on.
  • Crayon Scavenger Hunt – Hide the crayons around your home, garden or booked out room. The first player to bring the most crayons wins.
  • Musical Spray Painted Shirts – For this game you will need one white shirt per guest, line the shirts up outside on a washing line. Fill up one spray bottle per player with non-toxic paint, use a different colour per bottle. Play some music and have the children spray the shirts with the paint from the spray bottles everytime they walk past. When the music stops, they switch colours with the person next to them. Keep playing until the shirts have an amazing design and use them as a gift for the guests.
  • Art Auction – Using the arts and crafts created with the rest of the party games, you can finish the party off by hosting a pretend art auction where you raffle off some of the art created. Give the children fake money and allow them to bid on certain items. This will be a fun way of finishing the party and it allows you to give some of the art back to the children as a party gift. 

4. Sleepover Party

Well this kind of party is not new to the list, a sleepover with friends. Have the birthday child invite some friends round for a sleepover. Movies, munchies, drinks and pizza should cut it for the evening. For sleeping arrangements, so long as you have enough sets of covers and pillows, the floor can be a great place for each guest in a slumber style. Otherwise, beds, sleeping bags or even tents. For entertainment you could bring out the karaoke, movies, dancing, board games, ghost stories or even something more physical like Just Dance on Nintendo Switch.

5. Smores’ Party

Smores Birthday Party
Smores Birthday Party

For this kind of party you will need some outdoor space, whether that be a back yard or private field. You will need a fire pit, some marshmallows, biscuits, drinks and maybe some other snacks layed out on a table for guests to easily access. Make sure you create a safety barrier around the fire in order to ensure the children do not go to close. Set out the food table, play some music, put up some fairy lights if required and you can have a fun, simple party which is also cost effective and easy to set-up.

6. Home Disco

A Home disco is a great idea for a fun, upbeat party style event at home. All you need is food, pizza, fries, burgers, sausage rolls etc. Party style food layed out on the table, drinks and snack throughout. You will need a good, upbeat music playlist and possibly even a disco ball/disco lights if this is within budget. Disco lights can be purchased on Amazon fairly cheap. Once you have all this you are set, send out your invitations, welcome your guests and let the dancing and partying commence.

7. Disco in a Hall

Similar to above, you will need party food, a good music playlist and of course to rent a hall for the event. You could even go as far a hiring a childrens party DJ to play music and interact with the children to get them up and dancing. You can find local venues with a quick Google search and you will be able to start getting in touch with them to enquire about hosting a childrens birthday party disco.

8. Football Party

If your child is into playing football then why not host a football party. These kind of parties definitely wear the children out, keeping them moving, running and playing throughout the whole event. A football party would usually be hosted at your local sports venue, thats not to say you can’t just turn up at the local park with a ball and do your football party there. The difference is the quality, when using a football venue they will provide a host, usually food, a football pitch, bibs, balls and training before playing. The quality of the party will be much better if you use a professional service rather than going to the park. Powerleague have pitches all over the UK and also host childrens football parties.

9. Swimming Party

A brilliant idea if your child likes to swim. You can do these either in your back garden with a paddling type pool or contact your local swimming baths and use a professional venue for your swimming party. The benefits of using a local swimming venue are the size of the pool, the party room, the food, the host and the the large seating area for parents and guardians meaning the limit on number of guests may differ from if you were to host the swimming party in your back garden.

10. Trampoline Party

A trampoline party, brilliant for adrenaline loving children who have bags and bags of energy to burn. If your fortunate enough to have a large garden with a few decent sized trampolines then you can host this type of party at home, otherwise, you are best contacting your local trampoline park for a quote. Most trampoline parks will offer food, a party host and a variety of party packages to suit all budgets. Flipout trampoline park have branches all across the UK and they provide cost effective pricing and are rated as one of the best trampoline birthday party providers in the UK.

11. Adventure Park Party

Similar to a trampoline park, an adventure park would usually feature activities such as trampolines, inflatables, obstacle courses, ninja warrior courses, go-karts, football, free-running and a variety of activities to keep the adventure going throughout the party. Most adventure park birthday parties come with a party host, food and a party room to enjoy with your guests. Prices for a birthday party at an adventure park range from £10 per person to £19 per person depending on the amount of features and extra’s you would like including in your package. Jump Maniax have sites nationwide and offer adventure park birthday parties, they offer a competitive pricing structure and even the option to customise your own party package.

12. Indoor Picnic Party

Get the picnic blankets, the sandwiches, the crisps, the fruit, the cheese and the drinks together for an indoor picnic party. This party can also be hosted outdoors if the weather allows. Nice and simple, set out the picnic blankets on the floor, set out the food and let the children sit and have a picnic together. Brilliant idea for a fun, cost effective party. To go the extra mile you could also allow the children to make their own picnic food prior to the indoor picnic, where they can make there own sandwiches and their own lunchbox ready for the indoor picnic.

13. Home Talent Show

For a home talent show you may need to visit a website like Mama Makes to purchase some funky, personalised, and crafty items to be used in your home talent show. Here you would set up the main stage, some lights, fog machine, you will need a base to create the stage, some wooden boxes or small tables usually work a treat. Have the children either break into teams or perform individual, allow them to all practise somewhere in the house but have a live stream of the stage on a zoom call so the rehearsing children can watch the other performers whilst practising. You then invite the children out to the stage one by one to perform. Use parent or guardians as judges and score them out of 10, at the end have the winner perform again but this time infront of everyone and give them a prize for winning.

14. Camping Party

Throwing a camping party can be a fun and exciting way to spend time with friends and family in the great outdoors. Here are some steps to follow to plan and execute a successful camping party:

  • Choose a location: Look for a campground or an outdoor area where you can set up your camping party. Make sure that the area has enough space to accommodate all your guests and is equipped with basic amenities such as restrooms, water supply, and fire pits.
  • Set a date and time: Pick a date and time that works for everyone, especially if you are inviting guests from out of town. Make sure to choose a time of year that is appropriate for camping and the weather is expected to be good.
  • Send out invitations: Once you have decided on the location, date, and time, send out invitations to your guests. Include details such as the location, date, time, and what they need to bring (e.g., camping gear, food, drinks, etc.).
  • Plan your activities: A camping party is all about having fun and spending time outdoors. Plan activities that will keep your guests engaged such as hiking, swimming, canoeing, or games such as frisbee or volleyball. If you have a bonfire, you can organize a campfire sing-along or storytelling session.
  • Prepare your camping gear and supplies: Make a list of all the camping gear and supplies you will need such as tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment, food, and drinks. Make sure to have enough for everyone.
  • Set up your campsite: Once you arrive at the location, set up your campsite, and make sure that everything is in place before your guests arrive. Make sure that your campsite is clean and well-organized, and that there are plenty of places to sit and relax.
  • Enjoy your camping party: Once everything is set up, it’s time to relax and enjoy your camping party with your guests. Cook some delicious food, tell stories, sing songs, and enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenery.

Remember to follow safety guidelines, respect the natural environment, and leave your campsite clean and tidy. With a little planning and preparation, you can throw a memorable camping party that your guests will enjoy.

15. Laserquest Party

Laser Quest is a popular destination for birthday parties for several reasons. Here are some of the reasons why Laser Quest is a good place to hold a birthday party:

  • Fun and Unique Experience: Laser Quest offers a fun and unique experience that is different from typical birthday party activities. It is an action-packed game that is fun for all ages and provides an exciting and challenging environment that everyone can enjoy.
  • Safe and Supervised Environment: Laser Quest has a safe and supervised environment that provides a controlled and structured space for participants to play the game. The staff members are trained to ensure that everyone follows the rules and regulations, and the equipment is well-maintained to provide a safe experience.
  • Group Activity: Laser Quest is a great group activity that encourages teamwork, communication, and strategy. Participants are divided into teams, and they work together to achieve a common goal, which helps to build bonds and create a sense of camaraderie.
  • Convenient and Hassle-Free: Hosting a birthday party at Laser Quest is convenient and hassle-free. The staff members handle everything, from setting up the equipment to cleaning up after the event, so the parents can relax and enjoy the party with their children.
  • Affordable: Laser Quest offers affordable party packages that include everything from game time to food and drinks, making it a cost-effective option for parents who want to host a memorable party without breaking the bank.

Overall, Laser Quest is an excellent place to hold a birthday party because it offers a fun and unique experience that is safe, supervised, convenient, and affordable. It is a great way to celebrate a special occasion and create memories that will last a lifetime.

16. Party Entertainer at Home

If you’re looking to hire a party entertainer to come to your home, there are a few different options depending on the type of party and the age range of the guests. Here are some ideas:

  • Balloon artist: A balloon artist can make fun and creative balloon sculptures for kids and adults alike. They can create anything from animals to hats to swords and are sure to bring smiles to everyone’s faces.
  • Magician: A magician can perform tricks and illusions that will leave your guests amazed and entertained. They can tailor their act to the age group of your guests and can even involve the audience in their performance.
  • Face painter: A face painter can transform your guests into their favorite animals, superheroes, or princesses. Kids love getting their faces painted, and it’s a fun activity that can last throughout the party.
  • Caricature artist: A caricature artist can draw quick and funny portraits of your guests that they can take home as a souvenir of the party.
  • Storyteller: A storyteller can captivate your guests with tales of adventure, fantasy, or history. They can engage both kids and adults and make the party more memorable.
  • Musician: A musician can provide live entertainment for your party. Depending on the style of music, they can get your guests dancing or create a relaxed atmosphere for conversation.

When hiring a party entertainer, make sure to check their reviews and credentials, and discuss with them the details of the party, such as the time, date, and theme, so that they can customize their performance accordingly.

17. Bouncy Castle at Home

A bouncy castle party is a great way to entertain kids and provide them with an enjoyable and active party experience. The first thing you need to do is rent a bouncy castle. You can find companies that specialise in bouncy castle rentals in your area. Make sure to choose a bouncy castle that is appropriate for the age range and number of guests at your party. You’ll need to have a suitable location to set up the bouncy castle. Make sure the location is safe and there is enough space for the bouncy castle and for kids to play. Make sure the bouncy castle is properly secured and anchored, and that there is adult supervision at all times. You should also make sure that kids remove their shoes and any sharp objects before entering the bouncy castle. A bouncy castle party can be a fun and memorable experience for kids. Just make sure to plan ahead, prioritise safety, and have a variety of activities and refreshments to keep the kids happy and engaged throughout the party.

Bouncy Castle Party
Bouncy castle with drawings of animals.

18. Gaming Party at Home

Hosting a gaming party at home is a great way to have a fun party and allow your child to spend time with friends who love gaming. Here are some tips to help you plan and host a successful gaming party.

  • Choose the right gaming setup: Make sure you have enough for each guest.
  • Decide on the games: Before the party, decide which games you want to play.
  • Snacks and drinks: Make sure you have plenty of snacks and drinks for your guests.
  • Decorate the party area: To create a fun and festive atmosphere, decorate your party area with gaming-themed decorations.
  • Organise a tournament: A gaming tournament can be a fun way to get everyone involved and add some friendly competition to the party.

Hosting a video gaming party can be a fun and memorable experience for you and your guests. With a little planning and preparation, you can create a great atmosphere and have a blast gaming with your friends.

19. Paintballing Party

Paintballing can be a fun and exciting way to celebrate a birthday party with friends. Here are some tips to help you create the best paintballing birthday party.

  • Choose a paintballing venue: There are many paintballing venues that offer party packages for birthdays. Research and choose a venue that is reputable and has good reviews. Make sure the venue has a variety of game options and suitable terrain for your party.
  • Make reservations: Once you’ve chosen a venue, make sure to reserve your date and time in advance, especially if you’re hosting the party during peak season. Ask the venue about the number of players, game packages, and equipment rental options.
  • Safety first: Make sure everyone knows and follows the safety rules of the paintballing venue. Provide goggles and any other necessary safety gear for your guests. Make sure all players have a safety briefing before starting the game.
  • Provide snacks and drinks: Paintballing can be physically exhausting, so make sure you have plenty of snacks and drinks available for your guests. 
  • Party favors: Consider providing your guests with a small party favor, such as a custom water bottle, t-shirt, or paintballing-themed gift.

With a little planning and preparation, you can have a wonderful paintballing birthday party at a local venue.

20. Zoom Online Party

A birthday party online through zoom, born out of a nationwide lockdown and children being kept inside their homes. This kind of party is new to the modern era and a fun one at that, their are party entertainers who host zoom parties for children, children can log in from anywhere in the world and experience a birthday party through a zoom call. Play games, sing songs, record the screen for memories 

21. Hawaii Garden Party

Hosting a Hawaii garden party is a great way to enjoy the tropical island vibes and celebrate a special birthday. To host a successful Hawaii garden party you will need to:

  • Set the tone: Create a Hawaii-inspired atmosphere with colorful decorations, such as leis, tiki torches, and tropical flowers. You can also play traditional Hawaiian music or hire a ukulele player to provide live music.
  • Plan the menu: Hawaiian cuisine is known for its delicious seafood, tropical fruits, and flavorful marinades. Consider serving popular Hawaiian dishes like poke bowls, kalua pig, and shaved ice.
  • Dress code: Encourage your guests to dress up in Hawaii-themed attire, such as colorful Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, and flower leis. This will help everyone feel like they’re in the tropical paradise.
  • Plan fun activities: A Hawaii garden party is a great opportunity to plan fun activities, such as hula dancing lessons, limbo contests, or coconut bowling. You can also set up lawn games on some artificial grass cutoffs, games like cornhole or ring toss to keep your guests entertained.
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere: Set up seating areas for your guests to relax and enjoy the garden scenery. You can also set up lounge chairs or hammocks for your guests.

With a little planning and preparation, you can create a tropical paradise and have a great Hawaii themed backyard birthday party to celebrate a birthday occasion.

22. Gaming Van

Hiring out a local gaming van company can be a great way to keep the children entertained and on their favourite games. You can hire out a gaming van to come to your home and park up, they will let all the children in the van to play video games. You can rent a gaming van for a couple of hours, in which time you can bring the children snack and drinks throughout. A brilliant party that comes to your home, and takes the mess away with them.

We hope you found this article useful and was able to get some tips about the next childrens birthday party you will host. You can see our other content, 50 creative birthday party ideas for a memorable celebration or 8 birthday party ideas for adults on our blog also.


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